The Death of My Two Fathers (Music from the Motion Picture)
Josh Shearer
- Opening Theme
- The Champ
- My Father
- Race In America
- Only Child
- Leaving Behind
- Uncle Jimmy
- Ancestors
- Molly Mae
- Hard Times
- Adventure of My Lifetime
- Touch My Soul
- Where You're From
- Donna
- Falling Apart
- Unsettled Patch of Land
- Lee Lee
- Travy Comes To Canada
- Roots
- Jayda
- Transition
- We Meet Freye
- Cancer
- Extraordinary Week
- Living Our Lives
- Learns To Love
- 20 Years Later
- Changes
- Reflection
- Richard's Passing 1
- Richard's Passing 2
- Brothers
- Lee
- Kali Incident
- Momma Matriarch
- BBQ Reunion
- Grand Forks Reunion
- A Few Months To Live
- Letting Go